New Delhi With factionalism hitting the Congress government in Rajasthan, BJP leader Jyotiraditya Scindia took a swipe at his former party, saying talent and capability find “little credence” there. Also read: Kapil Sibal says he is worried for CongressHe claimed that Rajasthan’s Deputy Chief Minister Sachin Pilot was being “sidelined and persecuted” by Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot. “Sad to see my erstwhile colleague Sachin Pilot, too, being sidelined and persecuted by Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot. Shows that talent and capability find little credence in the Congress,” Mr. Scindia tweeted. Pilot, too, has been facing similar issues in Rajasthan.
Source: The Hindu July 12, 2020 13:07 UTC